
The Priestess, Patriarchy, & The Prostitute.

Cultural Psychology of Women’s Sexuality

What if everything you ever thought about in relation to prostitution was dead wrong? What if its existence was less about socioeconomic need, complex trauma, and rebellious fights for liberation and independence, and more about the insidious spells of a patriarchal society? And, what if patriarchy’s stronghold is most alive and fierce within women? 

This book exposes how the void of Priestess roles in culture impacts the supply and the demand for prostitution. Laurén invites her readers to personally engage with these archetypes as aspects and symbols of their own self, whether or not they have ever had any direct connection with these roles in a literal sense. Could creating more space in society, culture, and feminine psychology for The Priestess eradicate the global issue of sex trafficking?

Let's Talk About Yourself!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar leo.

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Mused Maenad is a compilation of poetry and prose inspired by descents with the dark muse. Magnificent portions of adrenaline and crazed  assaults of the chthonic are just a few of the precautionary dangers when excavating trauma. Embracing duality in order to transcend it illuminates just how ubiquitous and sophisticated spiritual warfare actually is. Transmuting psychological demons into angels is rewardingly creative, albeit rife with intensity.

This art book chronicles an experimental ministry for ladies of the night in the southern Los Angeles area.

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